Progress and steps for Proceedings (level 3) and level 2 (short author list) papers
(level 2 papers see also in “publications in Progress”)
Publication for UHECR 2018
to be published in Proceedings (level-3 paper; 6 pages; deadline 15.12.2018)
version 24.11.2018: BISCONTI_Francesca_UHECR2018_v4 by Francesca Bisconti et al. (internal review: A.Haungs)
submitted version 11.12.2018: BISCONTI_Francesca_UHECR2018-submitted by Francesca Bisconti et al. (internal review: A.Haungs)
Publication for Vulcano 2018
( to be published in Frascati Physics Series (level-3 paper; 16 pages; deadline 12.10.2018)
version 10.9.2018: mario_vulcano_v1 by Mario Bertaina et al. (internal review: Marco Ricci)
Publication for ECRS 2018
( to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (level-3 paper; 6 pages; deadline 1.10.2018)
version 8.9.2018: mario_ecrs18_v1 by Mario Bertaina et al. (internal review: Christer Fuglesang)
Publication for PISA 2018
( to be published in NIM A proceedings (level-3 paper; 2 pages)
version 1.6.2018: mario-PISA2018.pdf by Mario Bertaina et al. (internal review: L. Wiencke?, A. Haungs)
Publication for TWEPP 2017
( to be published in (level 3 – paper)
submitted version 26.10.2017: PoS_TWEPP_FF_2017-submitted
first draft 12.10.2017: MiniEUSO_PoS by Federico Fausti et al. (internal review: F. Capel, A. Haungs)
Publication for UHECR2016 (Kyoto, Japan)
to be published in JPS Conference Proceedings (level 3 – paper)
first draft 26.03.2017: Mini-EUSO-UHECR2016-Ricci by Marco Ricchi et al. (internal review: Pavol Klimov)
first draft 02.04.2017: EUSOuhecr2016-casolino by Marco Casolino et al. (internal review: Andrea Santangelo, requested 2.4.17)
Publications of COSPAR 2016
conference was cancelled, paper shall be written
submitted version (15/01/2017): MEinstrument_final by F. Capel for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (internal referee: M.Casolino)
submitted version (15/01/2017): ME_trigger_integration_final by F. Capel for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (internal referee: M. Ricci)
Publication of European Cosmic Ray Symposium – ECRS 2016
(level 3 to be published as electronic proceedings through the SLAC eConf system, under the conference number C16-09-04.3)
first version (12/01/17): ECRS16_proc-miyamoto-v3 by H. Miyamoto et al. for the JEM-ESUO Collaboration (internal referee: A. Haungs)
first version (17/01/2017): ECRS2016_FBisconti_v2 by F. Bisconti for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (internal referee: M. Bertaina)
final version (02/03/2017): JEM-EUSO-programECRC2016-Fenu by F. Fenu for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (internal referee: E. Parizot)
Publication of IMAGING 2016 proceedings in a special issue of NIM A:
published Okt 2017: EUSOprogram-IMAGING2016-Fuglsang
submitted 24.11.2016: Imaging 2016 conf article_submitted by Christer Fuglesang (internal review: Andrea Santangelo, Andreas Haungs)
Publication of ICRC2015 proceedings in arXiv:
first draft 21.07.2016: JEM-EUSO-ICRC15-arXiv
Publication for TAUP2015 (Turino, Italy)
to be published in the open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(level 3 – paper)
first draft 11.01.2016, corrected 14.01.2016, submitted 15.01.16: TAUP15-Ricci_JEM-EUSO-subm by Marco Ricci et al. (internal review: Piergiorgio Picozza, Andreas Haungs)
first draft 15.01.2016, submitted version 19.01.2016: MiyamotoCR-revised by Hiroko Miyamoto et al. (internal review: Andreas Haungs)
first draft 14.01.2016, submitted draft 20.01.16: Taup2015Torino by Francesco Fenu et al. (internal review: Marco Ricci)
Publication for UHECR2014 (Springdale, USA)
to be published in JPS Conference Proceedings
(level 3 or may be level 1 – paper)
first draft 16.10.2015: springdale-template-v2-casolino by marco Casolino et al. (internal review:Andrea Santangelo; Eleanor Judd)
Publication for the 41th international scientific conference – SDOT 2015
(Federated Conference on Software Development and Object Technologies)
(level 3 – paper)
first draft 11.10.15: SDOT_2015_conference_Vrabel_Genci_Bobik_Vasilko (003) by Michal Vrabel et al. (internal review: request send to Mario Bertaina)
Publication of for the 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
Jerusalem, Israel 2015 (level 3 – paper)
submitted version 10.10.15: IAC-15-B3.3 Mini-EUSO Fuglesang by C. Fuglesang et al. (internal review: Andreas Haungs
DONE: (find the papers at the publication web pages)
Publication for TWEPP 2015
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics conference will be published in the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) Proceedings Section. (level 3 – paper)
published: January 2016 in JINST
first draft 22.10.2015: twepp15_proceedings_v2-Barrillon by Pierre Barrillon et al. (internal review: Marco Ricci
Publication of Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detector – Pisa 2015
(level 3 to be published in NIMA (Conference Series?) – deadline submission 24.06.2015
first version 13.06.15: EUSO-TA_Francesca_Bisconti_draft by F. Bisconti et al. (internal review: Mario Bertaina)
published in NIMA: NIM A 824(2016)603-Pisa15-Bisconti
first version 19.06.15: PISA-elba2015-Scotti by V. Scotti et al. (internal review: ?)
published in NIMA: NIM A 824(2016)655-Pisa15-Scotti
first version 14.06.15: bertaina-elba2015Pisa by M. Bertaina et al. (internal referee: Lawrence Wiencke, Jim Adams)
published in NIMA: NIM A 824(2016)253-Pisa15-Bertaina
Publications of summer school Paris 2014 contribution (to JINST)
submitted version (level 3): JINST_Aera_JUNG-lowres (internal referee: Andrea Satangelo)
Publication of European Cosmic Ray Symposium – ECRS 2014
(level 3 to be published in IOP Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS))
submitted version: ecrs-draft-2015-01-21 by M. Panasyuk et al. (decided for level 2 paper) (internal referee: A.Haungs 17.01.2015)
submitted version: ecrs14-falk by S. Falk for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: Lawrence Wiencke)
accepted (20.02.2015) version: Haungs_ECRS_JEM-EUSO by A. Haungs for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: M. Ricci 09.01.2015)
(level 3 to be published inAIP, Proceedings Series )
version 1: CSSP2014_MKarus_v1.0 by M. Karus for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: M. Ricci)
Publication of Proceedings of Atmohead 2014 conference in May in Padova
(level 3 to be published in EPJ Web of Conferences)
paper 1: published
accepted version: bertaina-atmohead14-accepted-lowres by M. Bertaina et al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: A.Haungs)
paper 2: published
version 1: Atmohead14-Briz-Retrieving CTT JEM_EUSO by S. Brizet al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: Andrii Neronov)
paper 3: published
version 1: Atmohead14-Briz-Emissivity Retrieal JEM EUSO SBriz et al by S. Briz et al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: Mario Bertaina)
paper 4: published
version 1: Atmohead14-deCastro-Clouds phase identification by the IR camera by A.J. de Castro et al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: Anna Anzalone)
paper 5:
version (submitted): atmohead2014-rodriguezfrias ‘The Atmospheric Monitoring System of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission’ by M.D. Rodriguez-Frias et al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: M.Ricci)
paper 6:
version (submitted): saezcano_atmohead_corrected ‘Thin and thick cloud top height retrieval algorithm with the Infrared Camera and LIDAR of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission’ by G. Saez-Cano et al for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: M.Ricci)
Publication of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014
paper draft (level 2)
YMH2014a_final_revRH_revAH by Y Martin et al. (internal referee: A Haungs; short author list)
JEM-EUSO_IRCAM_FEE_SPIE_06_07_2014_AHa by O Maroto et al. (internal referee: A Haungs; short author list)
On-line and off-line data analysis for the EUSO-TA experiment
Decision in December 2013: short author list paper (level 2) for Computing Physics Communications or NIM A
Lech-paper_240414-submitted-NIMa (12 authors)
Lech-paper-draftJan14 by Lech Piotrowski et al. [not defined yet] (internal referees: Tom Paul, John Matthews)
Publication of Cosmic Ray Origin – beyond the standard model 2014
(level 3 to be published in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Series (Elsevier))
version 1: mario-jemeuso-crbtsm_v1 by M. Bertaina, E. Parizot for the JEM-EUSO collaboration (level 3) (internal referee: searching 15.06.14)
published 4/12/2014 in Nucl.Phys.B (Proc Suppl) 256-257 (2014) 275
Publications of Atmohead Conference in June 2013
Proceedings will be published as preprint (draft)
atmohead2013-toscano_v3-submitted (internal referee: L.Wiencke)
Publication of SPIE: Remote Sensing in September 2013 — published
Decision in December 2013: short author list paper (level 2)
RS2013_UC3M_8890-20_FINAL by Susana Briz et al. (internal referee: Naoto Sakaki)
JoARS SBriz-submitted by Susana Briz et al. (submitted to JoARS Dec13)
JoARS SBriz REV_D by Susana Briz et al. (resubmitted to JoARS Feb14)
Publications of Physics in Collisions 2012 Proceedings (submitted)
paper-pastircak-PIC2012-jem (internal referee: M.Ricci)
Publications of COSPAR 2012
special issue of ASR (5 papers published — not all went through internal process)
ASR-S-13-00028-Bertaina-submitted (internal referee: F.Kajino)
ASR-S-13-00031-Adams-submitted (internal referee: P.Gorodetzky)
ASR-D-13-00237R1(1)-Toshi-resubmitted (internal referee: A.Santangelo)
Publications of Workshop on Reliability, Madrid 2012 (submitted)
Paper reconsidered and resubmitted as level 2 short author list paper
Dec 2014, second part of Hector’s proceeding, now submission planned again to ‘Reliability Engineering & System Safety’ as level-2 paper: prieto-performance_ppr-Dec14
(internal referees: P.Gorodetzky and M.Karus (requested))
Sep 2014, accepted in Reliability Engineering & System Safety: Hector-accepted-2014
Dec 2013, submitted:PMT_Rad_Hard-SALpaper-submitted
(internal referee: M.Ricci)
RAMS Article HPrieto v6
(internal referee: was too late for internal reviewer)
Publication from Maria: Contribution to a book review of Nova Publishig (NY) (submitted)
(internal referee: was too late and Email problems for internal reviewer)
Publications of ECRS proceedings, Moscow 2012 (submitted)
Guiseppe Osteria: ?
Alejandro Guzman:ecrs_pcr2_632-guzman no internal reviewer…
Publications of Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 2013 – published
Proceedings will be published in NIM A
osteria-VCI13 (internal referee: S.Dagoret)
Publications of The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications ISPA 2012 (submitted)
Juan Alberto Morales de los Rios: ISPA2012_MoralesDeLosRios
(internal referee: was too late for internal reviewer)
Publications of SciNEGHE Proceedings (published)
(internal referee: Hajime Takima)
Publications in UHECR2012 (CERN) Proceedings — published!